Wednesday, May 15, 2013


While the sheetrock taping on the inside continues to stall, at least the stucco work is getting done.  These are some pictures of the scratch coat going on the exterior walls.  A final colored topcoat will go on after this first layer.  It is coming along! 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Sheetrock Is Up and On the Walls

The sheetrock is finally up and on the walls!  What a relief.  Again, the space looks different as another layer is imposed on the structure.  I think it looks great.  Love the full white-out effect too.  This is a view looking into the living room with the fireplace on the left side.
This is a photo looking into the kitchen.  On the left side will be a bank of high cabinets and on the right side will be a U-shaped bank of cabinets with the sink centered under the windows on the right. 
This is a photo of the laundry room area and the mechanical room at the end of the hall.  Looks like they did a good job on the sheetrocking.  The taping and mudding will be the critical work.  Holding my breath that it will all go well.